Women's Dreaming Bangle

Featuring Artwork by Yaritji Heffernan

Cross cultural project - handpainted lacquerware using recycled materials and generating royalties to Aboriginal Artists.

'Minyma Tjukurpa - Women's Dreaming' by Yaritji Heffernan.  This painting shows women's ceremony - secret women's business. The women are sitting around fires and are inside caves. These caves are women's places only. The women go here to tell stories and make lots of mai - food. There are three water holes in the middle of the painting.

© 2020 Tali Gallery. WARNING: Indigenous viewers are respectfully advised that this site contains the names and images of people who have passed away. Permission from the Artists' families and their respective Art Centres has been given to use these names and images. NOTE: The images and biographies on this website remain the copyright of the Artists and their Art Centres and may not be reproduced without permission.
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