Recycled Materials

Handpainted Lacquerware Coaster Set

Artist: Andy Tjalkuri

Currently out of Stock - please use contact form to order $39.80

Set of 6 Handmade Coasters.

Handmade using recycled paper, traditional Kashmiri handicrafts are united with Aboriginal designers.


'Walka Tjukula - Rockhole design' by Amari Tjalkuri. Artists from across the APY Lands have become well known for painting walka, a semi-abstract style of painting. Walka describes any meaningful mark or pattern that is painted on the body during inma (ceremony), on rocks or cave walls, and drawn into the sand in a storytelling game known as milpatjunani. Inspired by the beautiful Australian landscape, Amari depicts tjukula -rockholes. Kapi (water) is very important for anyone living in the desert and it is valuable to know where you can find it. This knowledge is passed on through storytelling, songs, and dance, as well as paintings.

© 2020 Tali Gallery. WARNING: Indigenous viewers are respectfully advised that this site contains the names and images of people who have passed away. Permission from the Artists' families and their respective Art Centres has been given to use these names and images. NOTE: The images and biographies on this website remain the copyright of the Artists and their Art Centres and may not be reproduced without permission.
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