Fair Trade

Walka-Tjulpun Tjulpunpa

Artist: Daisybell Kulyuru

Story: 'Walka-Tjulpun Tjulpunpa' by Daisybell Kulyuru. Daisybell describes this painting as Walka - Walka is any meaningful mark or pattern and may be an image on a cave wall, on rock or on sand and has cultural and ritual significance. It is used on the body during inma or ceremony. This painting depicts tjulpun tjulpunpa or puti – wildflowers from the bush. They can be seen in all forms throughout the lands, especially after the big rains fall.

© 2020 Tali Gallery. WARNING: Indigenous viewers are respectfully advised that this site contains the names and images of people who have passed away. Permission from the Artists' families and their respective Art Centres has been given to use these names and images. NOTE: The images and biographies on this website remain the copyright of the Artists and their Art Centres and may not be reproduced without permission.
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