Aboriginal and TSI Design

Solid Rock

The Rock Anthem Lyrics Illustrated by Indigenous Children

In 1982, Shane Howard's massive anthem Solid Rock from the album Spirit of Place, (recorded with his legendary band Goanna), reverberated across the airwaves and still does today.

It was one of the first songs of its idiom to broach the subject of Aboriginal rights in Australia and impacted powerfully on a whole new generation of writers and musicians that followed. The album was released in 35 territories, worldwide.Solid Rock' is an inspirational Australian story by singer songwriter Shane Howard, illustrated by the school children from Mutujulu, near Uluru, Australia.

Shane returned to Uluru with renowned Queensland artist Peter Hudson to gather stunning illustrations from the local school children to adorn the book and retell the story of these famous lyrics for a new generation. Peter Hudson has created brilliant images of Uluru and the surrounding landscape to set the scene.

Paperback, 32 Pages

© 2020 Tali Gallery. WARNING: Indigenous viewers are respectfully advised that this site contains the names and images of people who have passed away. Permission from the Artists' families and their respective Art Centres has been given to use these names and images. NOTE: The images and biographies on this website remain the copyright of the Artists and their Art Centres and may not be reproduced without permission.
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