Aboriginal and TSI Design

Wombat Pin

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A Menagerie of Bush Creatures

These pins stylise some of the well known icons of Australia, a country rich in flora, fauna and wonderful natural scenery.

All Silver animal pins are approximately 3cm x 3cm.

The pins are sculpted from silver plated pewter that has been buffed to create a contemporary, antique look.

They are brooches with a 'stick' and a removable clasp to hold them in place.

Each is presented in a smart black gift box.

Handmade in Australia


Choose from:

Koala: Found in coastal regions of eastern and southern Australia. The Koala is one of the few mammals that has fingerprints very similar to humans.

Kangaroo: Kangaroo moves by hopping on its hind legs using its tail for steering and balancing while hopping at speed up to 40mph/60kmh. When kangaroo is moving slowly the tail is used as an extra leg and supports the kangaroo when it is standing on its hind legs. Most kangaroos can only move both back legs together and not one at a time.

Kangaroo: There are 63 species. The pin was modelled after the Red Kangaroo.

Tasmanian Tiger: Now extinct, the thylacine was shy and secretive and always avoided contact with humans. Despite its common name, 'tiger' it had a quiet, nervous temperament compared to its little cousin, the Tasmanian devil. Captured animals generally gave up without a struggle, and many died suddenly, apparently from shock.

Tasmanian Devil: Its spine-chilling screeches, black colour, and reputed bad-temper, led the early European settlers to call it The Devil. Although only the size of a small dog, it can sound and look incredibly fierce. Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) is threatening its existence. As at December 2008, the DFTD had been confirmed at 64 different locations across more than 60% of Tasmania's mainland.

Frill Necked Lizard: The frill-necked lizard, also known as the frilled lizard or frilled dragon, is found mainly in northern Australia and southern New Guinea. Its name comes from the large frill around its neck, which usually stays folded against the lizard's body. It is largely arboreal, spending the majority of the time in the trees. The lizard's diet consists mainly of insects and small vertebrates. The frill-necked lizard is a relatively large lizard, reaching up to 91.4 cm in length. It may also be kept in captivity.

Emu: The emu is Australia's largest bird. It is part of a group of birds called ratites, which are big birds that do not fly. The other ratites are the ostrich from Africa and the rhea from South America.

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